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  • Writer's pictureTanisha Sharma

Characteristics of a Good Moisturizing Cream

The wintry winds are cruelest to the skin when it comes to visual bodily damage. The skin becomes too parched and dry in this season that is why it needs extra moisture. During this time of the year, it is always a potent query as to which moisturizing fairness cream would be beneficial for the skin.

What Does Your Skin Need?

To examine this question biologically, the stratum corneum or the outer most layer of the skin is most sensitive and most gruesomely attacked. The composition of the skin is comprised of a mesh of keratin which can carry water and fatty acids. Water is essential in finding the true glow of the skin. However, the present commercial world offers a variety of choices on the store shelf; the consumer is likely to get confused as to which cream would give the best output in terms of protection and adequate moisture along with whitening essentials. For most of the people, who have either dry or oily skin and are experiencing cold, dry or windy climate, regular use of a moisturizing fairness cream can protect the skin’s water composition.

Day-Time Needs a Barrier

The daytime moisturizing fairness cream is essential when one is moving outdoors too much or traveling across for work or leisure. The daytime moisturizing fairness cream can help in protecting against the damaging UV rays, pollution, and other environmental stress. Along with the moisture, the skin has to maintain even tone. So, adequate whitening components are necessary for any moisturizing cream. The cream is saturated with a generous amount of moisture giving the skin softness, hydration, and fairness from the inside. However, creams for the day can act as a catalyst for the same. The creams, which are rich in nutrients and sea minerals such as Laminaria Japonica Extract, Maris Sal (Sea Salt) and Vitamin E, help in maintaining the moisture and fairness quotient of the skin throughout the day.

Night-Time Requires Rejuvenation

Unlike the day cream’s function, the night cream is required to combat against the damage the skin has gone through, during the day. When applied at night, it should provide nourishment to the skin and assist in recovering overnight to a rejuvenated texture. The night cream operates in a much more silent fashion than the daytime cream.

After all, one does not mind a supple skin that is strong enough to beat the foreign intruders. A layer of continuous moisture covers the skin and the night cream can last up to 8 hours. The skin’s metabolism is most active while we sleep, so a good moisturizing fairness cream at night can act as a barrier as well as a rejuvenator for the skin.

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